Little Northern Bakehouse Millet & Chia


Made with nutrient-rich millet and chia seeds, this bread has a smooth texture and delicate crunch that also packs in the flavour you crave. Our Millet & Chia bread makes for the perfect gluten free lunch time sandwich or crunchy gluten free breakfast toast.


Ingredients: Water, Gluten-free flour blend (modified tapioca starch, potato starch, corn starch, brown rice flour), Sugars (dextrose, cane sugar), Sunflower oil, Psyllium husk, Yeast, Modified cellulose, Pea hull fibre, Salt, Whole millet, Whole chia seeds, Rice bran, Cellulose gum, Vinegar, Cultured cane sugar, Enzymes.

Protein/PHE Content: One Slice equals 0.6g/35mg


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